Different options for Ink limits
It should be a choice to have 100% ink in a room. Basically im saying make an option to raise that capacity and make it so when someone joins a room that is published with that it says "This room may give you performance issues because it uses more than the normal ink space" basically. It would just be nice to have a room where i dont have to delete things to show people things.
Merged in a post:
Room ink limit
Fresh Bread
Make it so we can go over the 100% Ink limit in rooms besides dorm, but make it so if you do go over the limit that you can't publish the room. This would make it allot more fun for people with more powerful PC'S to experiment with large scale rooms like cities and islands or for people to experiment with large complex circuit stuff or even combined the both and build a fully working city.
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Ink Capacity Pack
Owen Jupp
There should be something or a pack where creators can buy more Ink for their Server so they can do more stuff.
RR are willing to give us as much ink as they can, it's more about preventing players from crashing.
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Make it so there is no ink cap but it gives you a warning if you pass it
Do it
Do it
Do it
Mason B
You stole my post
Mason B: this is from 2019 ? and merging posts in a this, happens all the time.
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An extra 100%
When you hit 100% ink you get a popup saying to get 100%more ink and saying yes to it would add a content warning saying that the room may be leggy for ps4 oculus quest and players with bad pcs
Orange Soda
That’s not really how ink works...
Orange Soda: it really isnt
Shi--Zuue: lEtS jUsT cHaNgE tHeIr StOrAgE bUcKeT qUoTa
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