Item / Weapon Skins in Store
Be able to purchase skins for items in the store so you can customise those plain old weapons of yours :D. They wont be as unique or special as the ones you can gain from the weekly challenges, but more simplistic for those who would like to change the colours or design. The more intrecate ones would cost more and more simplistic (like full white or pink" would be less. :)
Mikel Polanco-Rodriguez
What if you guys made a snake skin for the whip like the snakes head is where you put your hand and the long part at the end of the whip could be the snakes tongue
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Purchase Weapon Skins
Have weapon skins that can be purchased in the store. Maybe they won't be as unique as the weekly skins, so there is still an incentive to do the weekly challenges.
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Buyable Special Skins
Skins that you can buy with tokens that have special effects like particle effects or luminosity.
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Add Weapon skins to the shop
Weapon skins in the shop will be amazing addition to the shop it will follow the same star tier system. 1 star mostly just basic colors. 2 star simple designs like a checker board skin. 3 star designs be glowy texture and great designs. 4 star skins will have a simple animation like a galaxy. 5 star skins will have a contrail or a special elimination animation like a christmas grenade launcher that will freeze the enemy and shatter or a easter one witch will shoot eggs. I really hope this gets added that would be awesome addition and will show more people their own styles and taste. Btw the picture i added is a quick concept of the animated galaxy grenade launcher.
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Weapon skins in the shop
I think there should be some weapon skins in the shop
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Buying Weapon skins
Me Ninja
It would be really nice if we could buy exclusive/very old weapon skins with real life money. It would still keep the weekly gooing as the weapons in the weekly are new but the ones that will be exclusive or where introduced in a weekly only 1 or 2 times a long time ago (Eg ghost bow) could be purchased with real life money and the price depends on rarity or somthing like that.
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Buy weapon skins at the shop?
grey 771
Now that we can buy tokens it might be time to sell weapon skins. It will devalue weekly rewards a bit but it would be cool if you could get the skins you missed but always wanted via tokens. Maybe just price them kinda high so doing weeklies is still valuable and the skins maintain some rarity.
Bow where the arrows are on fire
Ice bow!
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