More outfit slots
Since more clothing items were added, it makes it much or difficult to decide if I want to make a new outfit, or keep all of my new ones. I got an item from the store but then realized that none of my outfits matched it and if i want to wear it, I have to go back to my dorm and change it myself, which gets annoying pretty quickly.
emilywafflesyay: noice
under review
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More pages for saved outfits
My style changes a ton. Like, a ton a ton. Like, everyday all day. And I always want different clothing multiple times a day. But, alas, my drastically unrealistic clothing needs are too large for just one page of saved clothing - but like, a few. Maybe more. So that, maybe one day, my unrealistic needs would be fulfilled.
Your pal -
Tamara Hughes (mamamonkey)
Merged in a post:
More Saved Outfit Slots
I always have to switch the saved outfits that I want to have because there is only 9 slots available. Could we have more than just 9 save slots?
Tamara Hughes (mamamonkey)
Merged in a post:
More outfit slots
With the ever-growing ammount of cosmetic sets, many people cant get enough outfit slots, and Im one of them. 12 would be a good ammount as a base, but maybe even more? Please add new outfit slots!
Tamara Hughes (mamamonkey)
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More saved outfit slots
Sean Bunton
With new quests and activities being introduced, I don't feel we have enough saved outfit slots reflective of that.
Really hope this catches traction. I literally have like 3 pages worth of outfits in the dresser and can never try any of them because it's such a hassle to save.
more outfit slots pls
Tamara Hughes (mamamonkey)
Merged in a post:
More saved outfit slots
Sean Bunton
Can we get another page of saved outfit slots? There are plenty more new outfits being introduced and not enough saved slots to be able to keep a variety of different outfits
How do you do that?
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