Animation Gizmo V2
The animation gizmo provides no dynamic motion like the rest of the gizmos do, so it would probably be the easiest to implement into V2.
Functions would be:
- exec Start Input with Parameters int Speed, bool Stop At End, bool Stop at Start, string Loop/Ping Pong | exec Started Output
- exec Stop Input | exec Stopped Output
- exec Reset Input | exec Reset Output
To provide parity with V1.
an actual rigging system would be a huge upgrade aswell
CreatorPierce: ik, at least have it so you can move pivots, then you could have a very basic but definitely useful joint like system. (if they too lazy to make a rig) Ik you can move pivots in a way, but i mean like actually being able to select the pivot.
Frame or tick start/stop would be nice too.
One could do several motions in one gizmo then just target them via CV2.
Also, the ability to offset the animation gizmo without affecting the keyframes. Sometimes I create an animation and realize it gets in the way of something else (circuitry, geometry, etc.) and I can't move it without taking the whole animation with it.