Getting the controller input from players
A way to grab controller input for cv2 would be a great improvement with cv2. As of right now, we only have vector 3 and I think it would be cool to have controller input so we can do like a popluation 1 map type mechanic. Here is a quick and scuffed demonstration of what I think the inputs should look like.
Bash Orion
YES, I NEED THIS. Imagine custom vehicles, you sit in a seat and move your joystick to move.
The Trigger Handle gadget is coming soon, probably this week. Will run exe for player trigger button down and released, also for the gadget being picked up or dropped.
Bash Orion
MattPowerhouse: Trigger handles are nice but not this good
Maybe instead of booleans, we could have a execution
yasyet: yeah i think exec would be better cuz it can wire to more things and you can always use an if chip
when you say controller do you mean the RC car controllers? if so i guess i see where you can go with this yet you can only use them on VR, with screen you can only hold them and use them as security cams really
Abab: I was more thinking about player button presses in general. Kind of like the player get equip objects chip in cv2. But I can see how you think I was talking about the RC cars.
presto.exe: oh so like if you're on keyboard, if they press a certain key like, say example, "T" it will get it and you can use it as an output? because thats what im getting from that
The way you have the inputs is currently impossible for all platforms, but I think this should be a thing if edited
GreenKangaroo897: Also maybe instead of having A button or Trigger. Maybe we can have Jump button then Crouch button or, Hand close or grab button.