It seems wasteful to require a gizmo to facilitate parenting one item to another.
I want to make a flashlight. The body of the flashlight might be .63% ink (as a physical object). But then I need a light. The light is also about .63%. But
i need to connect the two together, and the only way to do this is to use an additional gizmo (.63%!) to act as the connector between the light and flashlight. This ends up making the entire flashlight cost almost 2% ink! That seems ridiculous to me. If I didn't have to use that intermediate gizmo, I could save almost 1% ink.
So, my proposal is any gadgets labeled as "other gadgets" should be parentable to other objects without needing to use a gizmo. Things like the radio, samplers, lights, trigger zones, etc. Just wire one to another and be done with it.