Fizzy Soda Pop
Red Drummer
Thanks for considering this. I don't know what the plan is for the next consummable, but a generic carbonated can would be funny. If it made a refreshing crisp bubbly carbonated sound upon opening or drinking, it might be really funny to hear everyone cracking open and downing fizzy soda cans. Plus they would be stackable, rollable, and make unique metallic sounds if we tossed them around. They could explode if you threw them down unopened, dropped them off cliffs, or threw them against walls? Maybe they would be crushable after drinking.
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Rec Cola
All in the name buddy
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More Drinks!
This is simple, more drinks that just root beer and water . They could add some soda like grape, cherry, orange and a lemon lime flavor. You could replace or add some more vending machines to sell soda like how you can buy food in the food court. As an alternative to getting one soda you can buy a six pack like root beer in the store.
I'm in agreement with the mentioned soda flavors. It adds a bit more variety into the mix!
totally named after me :3
Red Drummer
Fizzy: 🤣🥳