If you need to report a bug, please use Zendesk to email us the details:
You can also report bugs by sending this command to RecBot on our Discord: !bugreport
This board you're looking at--the "Known Bugs" board--is for the bugs we already know about. If a bug affects you in a bad way, upvote it to let us know!
There are lots of other bug reports we know about! But we don't post them all here.
The issues we post here are stuff where
  1. We know about it
  2. We keep getting repeated reports about it
  3. We want people to upvote and discuss how big a problem it is
Please also share details (in the discussion threads of our posts) about how it happens and how it affects you. Details on how to reproduce really help us fix this stuff!
To keep it focused, we're the only ones who will post here. Please don't report bugs here! If you do, we'll be slightly annoyed, but we'll log your issue, and if it's something everyone needs to know about, it'll get put up here. Instead, please report bugs here: https://recroom.zendesk.com/