Trigger Volumes and other Volumes revert to original cube shape
We're working on fixing this one.
In the meantime, you can protect yourselves from loss by building alone in your Rooms (I know this is much easier said than done ). The issue depends on the Room authority (a.k.a. Master) changing, which can happen any time a new player joins. If you must have someone in the Room, save before they get there.
Restoring the Room to a previous good save will fix broken Volumes, so save often.
More up-to-date information:
This should be fixed with last night's update, please let us know if it's still an issue!
mini imposter
theres another glitch that resets animation gizmos when saving the room
Partydonut214 <PSVR>
I have had another problem with trigger volumes and the collision volumes, If I wanted to extend it in a single direction it would also extend into the opposite direction as well. It has been a while since I last used these, (Update From Before last night's update,) I'm not sure it is there anymore.
if your working on fixing this glitch, shouldnt it be marked as in progress / planned?
UblockGaming: Fair point. I guess it's implied in all of these posts that they're at least "Planned." This board doesn't really work the same way as the other boards.